Tuesday 25 November 2014

Daniel Henry: Character Profile Sheet Draft

Name: Cassius The Roman Arctic Fox
Gender: Male
As all of my group’s enemy’s characters are animals based on the roman soldiers, so they wear the typical roman armour attire; my characters role is to prevent the main character from progressing through the level.
Physical Advantages:
Very quick and strong, amazing reflexes, has an immense sensing ability
Physical Disabilities: Can be defeated by the main character by being jumped on
Attire: Roman Armour / helmet inspired from the era: The Roman Republic 509BC-27BC
Unique Physical skills: Specialist at Javelin (throwing long spears) and highly skilled with swords
Major life events: None
Born: N/A
Upbringing: The Wildlife
Accent or Dialect: 
various growling sounds to communicate
Past profession: As the game takes place in the main characters dream, in the real world before the events of the game, the animals are still roman soldiers just in a human form.
Living /Surviving: Has a Strong ambition to hunt for flesh whilst protecting he’s army
Personality traits: highly intelligent, unpleasant, overconfident, harmful, technically skillful, courageous, encouraging, organiser
Treasured items: The Roman Scutum (Shield)
Personal interests: Hunting, organising the soldiers for battle
Mannerisms: very calm and composed until he gets hungry or in most cases if one of he’s army members have been easily defeated in battle
Sense of Humour: N/A
Major Life Events: None
Gameplay abilities: moves very quickly and smoothly, can kill the player by throwing and hitting the player with the long spears or simply by sudden contact (touching)

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