Monday 22 December 2014

Ramone Lawrence: Character profile sheet

Name: Gene, Charlotte, Rose, Hope, Robin, Church.
Gender: Female
As a group define the role of your different characters and their relation to one another. Think about what the conflict is between each character, how they might interact. What features do they all share, such as the fashions or technology? Use this space to outline the character role, their quest, their enemies, and the relationship between each character.)
Physical Advantages: Flexibility, withstand cold tempertures
(Strength, robotic additions, mutations)
Physical Disabilities: Weak body. (So only can see with one eye.
(weaknesses, amputations, mutations)
Attire: (Used to wear a Summer dress) but now wears a long black trench coat with a white blue scarf, but because it sets in the roman time when playing the game, main character might be wearing a sort of. Tunic/Stola, Robe,Veil (Headscarf) This will show that the dress fashion was in the roman times around 27 BC.
(dress, fashions, be very detailed. What era of dress?)
Unique Physical skills: Jumping really high. Light on feet, high instincts.
(Special skills that set the character apart)
Major life events: Scar across her face going from her eye down to her lip, from getting hit by the master for not obeying him. Staying with rich family and doing their chores, makes her tougher.
(Has anything happened that has had a major impact on their physical profile: an accident, surgery, mutation
or disease.)
Born: Rome outskirts of Municipio V 20th Century  born on the 23rd May 1993
(Place, date)
Upbringing: Poor family starving always hungry, she got brought up by a rich family but was a slave so she had to work for her money to feed her family and live. She worked and lived in the mansion for most of her life but always saw her poor family as her true family cause of the love they have for each other.
(How did the character get brought up, a conventional family or in care? On the streets or in a mansion?)
Accent or Dialect: 
(How does he/she speak, what region or area are they from?)
Past profession: Lived with her family who was strictly poor, eating old food out of bins and killing birds for food, pickpocketing always in fights, but always surviving through the pain and agony.

(What did the character do as a career before the event?) Live wit
Major life events: Used to pickpocket, to get money and jewelry in a big crowd, usually in the center of Rome too get more money, usually gets caught and gets arrested. Until the rich family came to the prison and helped have a job by working as a slave at their mansion. The master of the mansion said :” If you can use your hands for pickpocketing… Then you can use your hands for cleaning”
(Has anything happened that has had a major impact on their sociological profile: promotion, bankruptcy,
How does your character make a living/survive now?
(Has anything happened that has had a major impact on their sociological profile: promotion, bankruptcy,
Personality traits: Curious, Adventurous, Faithful, Stubborn, she doesn’t like to be alone, Loyal, she has a sense of justice, Graceful, organized, questioning.
(List ten adjectives describing the personality and mood of your character)
Treasured items: The character holds dear is her family, because that’s the only treasure she has anything happens she will fall into pieces.
(What does the character hold dear e.g. an object with sentimental value; a unique weapon or device; a child
or animal sidekick?)
Personal interests

She likes to like to go out at night time and finding new areas to explore and look for animals that she has never seen before, anything purple/Violet she will be attracted to keep it.
(What are the hobbies or interest of the character? Are they fans of sport, hunting etc ? How might this reflect in
the items the character carries? )
(Has the character got any ticks or noticeable mannerisms? Are they flamboyant or discreet? )
Sense of Humor:
(Light hearted, dry, cynical, playful, mischievous or psychopathic (none).) Major life events:
When the blizzard was around the city she was panicking and ran for her poor family, which made her nervous, scared and curious if there was at home.
(Has anything happened that has had a major impact on their character: a bereavement, a crisis,
Gameplay abilities
(What are their unique skills that make the character useful to the player or other characters.)
Charlotte has been through a lot of work, pain and agony but she went through all of it and still stands up strong with no weight on her shoulders, until she finds out there is a blizzard which is going to tear down Rome and her home, she has to ran to the her family from the mansion too help them evacuate and bring them to safety, but a pillar knocks her out cold and falls into a dream were you play the game.
(Write creatively about your character using the above descriptions. Go in to
Greater detail about major events that have taken place in the characters life and try and be as descriptive and detailed as possible. The more
detail, the more unique your character becomes.)

RESEARCH NOTES The Hunger games is one of my researched I picked because the main character is a female and she is stubborn and strong but gets very emotional if its someone important that she cares about is in trouble. Charlotte will have a near skin tone as Katniss, but a bit paler and her hair will be brunette instead of black. (Use this space to note down possible research ideas that might help inform your design. Are there actors or characters in film and stage that you would like to reference in the appearance or movement of your
character? Is there a description in a book that suits the character you are trying to represent? What fashions do you need to research to get a better idea of the attire and appearance of your character?)

Friday 19 December 2014

Daniel Henry: The British Museum Research (Character Helmet & Shield / Torso)

The shapes of the shields above were sketched out in my visual brainstorm in my sketchbook, i kept on experimenting to further develop Cassius shield.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Ramone Lawrence: female armour concepts and silhouettes (Sketches and photoshop)

The references I used to design these armours are in a book called "Tiepolo Master of the Oil sketch" and from various images. There were female gladiators as well called Gladiatrix they also fought enemies, some wore light armour when some only wore nothing but a piece of clothing to cover their private areas.
Tiepolo is the book I used for referencing poses, armour and colours.

Ramone Lawrence: References for armour design for main character

When I was designing the main character I wanted our work to have continuity. So I too looked at armours and clothing for the character and what role it will have on the main character. I was thinking not to have the armour too heavy and built like the size of a muscular man and because the character will be running and it will look uncanny and uncomfortable for the player while running and jumping, I have went to the library to look at books to get a rough idea how the roman armour looked and generated that in my drawings.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Daniel Lenart: Character Development Profile Sheet

Daniel Lenart
Character Development

Name: Pollux Penguin (Named after Castor and Pollux Roman/Greek mythology)

Gender: Male

Character Role                                                                                                                                                      This characters role is to be the enemy who will try to stop our protagonist. He will be trying to stop our protagonist from completing her quest. This character will attack.

Physical Profile                                                                                                                                       
This character is a penguin suited up with Roman armour. Roman armour consisting of a helmet, shoulder pads with a cape and a sword. This character will be tall looking and fast although has small feet because he is a penguin. One word to describe this character is warrior.

Sociological Profile                                                                                                                                        Born: N/A

Upbringing: Lived and all ways will in the wild

Accent and Dialect: Braying

Past Profession: N/A

Major Life Events: None apart from a mystery scar

Living and Surviving: Eating Fish/Krill and staying strong

Psychological Profile                                                                                                                               Personality Traits: Aggressive, hyper and courageous

Treasured Items: Helmet because it’s been with him all his life and it represents him as a warrior

 Personal Interests: Hunting, eating, relaxing. Fighting being his biggest interests

Mannerism: Sneaky but hyper and hungry for a battle

Sense of Humor: N/A

Gameplay Abilities: Running and attacking the main character

Monday 8 December 2014

Daniel Henry: Inspirational Character profile sheets + My Final Character Profile Sheet

I gathered a few examples of existing character profile sheets to give me a rough idea of the different ways in which i can lay the character & text down to create a visually appealing character profile sheet.

My Final Character Profile Sheet

Daniel Lenart: Character Development Silhouettes to Final

Daniel Lenart 
Character Development

Note: Silhouettes really helped me realize the shape I wanted my character to be. During the development I received good feedback from my group about the characters face because its a enemy my character was not suppose to look happy so I made some adjustments to my final design which I think came out great  

Daniel Lenart: The 3 Mood Boards

Sunday 7 December 2014

Ramone Lawrence: Architecture/fashion mood board

Using different shapes and colours to get ideas and styles for my character designs, so I looked at clothing in the roman times. The buildings usually had pillars and unique shapes which could contribute in my design.

Ramone Lawrence final Character design Character sheet

My final design character for the main female character Charlotte 

Ramone Lawrence: Character Iteration Sheet 2

I first started with these design to get mood of the character, Who she is, how she moves and how reacts.I done these Iteration designs on photoshop, I started off with the dress and showed m design to some of my friends, but it didn't go with the story because she is a slave.  

So I finished off the design with the colours, to get a rough idea of how my next idea will look like.

This is my final design for my character, were her clothes are ripped, dirty and used she looks more like a slave with this design. 

 I used different types of references and research to get the feel of the apparel, for the Stola, Veils and the bandages.

This was one of final poses i done before going into the final design, I wanted the character to be slim woman and the clothes to ripped but fitted.

 I used photoshop for my main character, Its a roughed sketch out of my design and then went over it with the colours.

Ramone Lawrence Character Iteration sheets 1 sketches

Iteration drawing

Iteration drawing

Pose for sketch

Sketched and inked of one my female design. 

Iteration Designs poses 

 Iterations design reference from Hunger Games 

Ramone Lawrence: Silhouettes Sheets

I have created my silhouettes from female characters from films and models to get the best results.

Ramone Lawrence: Main character references

 This is my references for my drawings, I used females different poses to get a variety of silhouettes, and the movement of the character.